The Benefits of Mindfulness


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The potential benefits of mindfulness are huge and wide-ranging. To a large extent, the benefits depend on the mind which enters this process to begin with. Some people for example may benefit most from a greater connection with their body while others get the most benefit from learning how to deal with troublesome thoughts. There is a thread in the forum here where members have given their personal experiences of how mindfulness helps them. There are also regular blogs on the main site where people talk about how mindfulness has had an influence on their life. In future we hope to expand this and include video testimonials also. Here is a list of of the potential benefits of mindfulness:

  • A greater connection with the body, thereby being able to act better in it’s interests.
  • Improved personal relationships, as mindfulness helps place a check on automatic reactions; it also enables us to listen more effectively
  • A greater acceptance of troublesome thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness also allows us to let go of these before they can develop and have a negative impact on us.
  • There is growing medical evidence that  regular meditation makes positive improvements to the way the brain works and also other aspects of the body.
  • Improvements to memory, concentration and cognitive ability.
  • A dramatic reduction in levels of stress and anxiety.
  • An improved ability to fall to sleep at night.
  • An improved relationship with pain brought about by learning how to accept the pain and become more at peace with it instead of being locked in constant struggle.
  • A general feeling of wellbeing.
  • A rise in productivity brought about by being able to deal with distractions more effectively.
  • Increased creativity brought about by being able to let go of doubts that otherwise might be a hindrance to creativity.